субота, 18 квітня 2015 р.

Eating habbits

Sick of chasing the best fast diets? Hoop off the bandwagon and get some down-to-earth advice. Do you have a burning desire to loose weight?
Tried and true tips
Scientists arrived at a decision, that you are in need of 1 product for this sake -water. Take one portion 5-6 times a day before meals. Too many that you can forget ?- weigh up the options.
You drink enough water to allow your digestive system work properly, don’t have life-threatening illness, splitting headaches, indigestions and insomnias.
Or  you don’t –and  your blood pressure is not in norm, can have heart disease and are more vulnerable to heart attacks, you are overeating and gaining weight. To what can it lead – obesity, Sedentary, motionless lifestyle and inevitable death? If you don’t want to have such end – follow other tips.


At the 2 part of your day your body need products high in protein. Proteins are in meat(venison, kidneys, veal). Remember, it must be boiled, baked, roasted or grilled, NOT fried. Proteins are also in milk and cottage cheese. This nourishing meals can make you feel easy and movable.

Don’t be starving! Have a quick snack

Keep fruits with you at work as a snack. Time Since 4 – till 6 p.m is called “a need chocolate period” of a day. At this time, we are more vulnerable to be tempted by a bar of chocolate or a donut, laying near you. Fruits are classic example of Organic food high in glucose that save you from being dying of hunger and give lots of energy.

Your weight had stopped?

Cut sugars and drinks full of calories out! Start exercising!

Valuableness of working out is a common knowledge. Simple calf-raise, chin-up   crunch, dip, flutter, lunge, push-up, sit-up, squat, star jump tree or fore times a week can bring you enormous benefits. Just create your own fitness program and Stick to it.

All things start from little ones. Keep working. Remember, you can be even better, that your idols.

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