неділя, 19 квітня 2015 р.

It is easy being green!

Going green.

Turning on TV to hear latest news. What am I getting?
Tidal wave has destroyed all Coast and shore of Pyrenees peninsula.”

Tsunamis and typhoons are breaking pristine nature in New Zealand”

“A lot endangered species of trees like Oak, willow, elm, pine, fir, birch were harmed by forest fires in Russia”

Volcanic eruption caused problems to flight companies. Departure lounges are overloaded with people”
I switch the channel and watch my favorite cartoon. Why am I so indifferent to global problems, you are asking? You are the same. I can prove and even provide you and our government with absolutely vital and long-term solution to avoid an environmental catastrophe.

The contents of this list might not be new, but they need repeating. Often it takes a few reminders for things take root

vehicle emissions:
Each time we burn gasoline, oil, coal or even natural gas a lot of carbon dioxide is added to our atmosphere and destroying our ozone layer. The temperatures soar above the average and we have well-known greenhouse effect (is sometimes referred to as a global warming) with dire consequences - irreversible climate change. Are you participating in it on a regular basis? Make a confession and reduce your carbon footprint. Go on foot or change your cars into eco-cars. Or use unleaded petrol.
Disposal of household waste
Think before throw. Recycle papers, ALUMINUM,GLASS,UNWANTED WIRE HANGERS made of steel. These are not biodegradable (If it isn't recycled it can take a million years to decompose). Create an eco-friendly design in your house using natural renewable resources.
nuclear energy
nuclear reactors that provide us with energy should be replaced by alternative sources like solar energy. Is it a daunting task? Nevertheless, nuclear waste (eg. acid rains) is worse for public health.
Don’t be indifferent any more. We don’t have too much time. BRUSH WITHOUT RUNNING, TAKE A SHORTER SHOWER and PLANT A TREE. You can easily do things on your own.
All begins from little

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